Terry Leigh PhD      Mediation Consultant

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Resolving Conflicts in London and The South East

Are you responsible for resolving workplace conflict or NHS complaints? Terry Leigh's highly recommended mediation services can help you to resolve your concerns quickly and effectively.

Terry Leigh is a hugely experienced independent and impartial expert mediator based in London. During the last 20 years he has helped to resolve hundreds of conflicts for more than 60 organisations in the UK. Terry has contributed expert guidance on conflict resolution to a number of national bodies eg NHS England, Health Service Ombudsman and the House of Commons Health Committee. He has also published a number of articles on mediation in the Health Service Journal, Public Finance, Management Journal, Pulse and People Management.

Terry achieves successful resolutions in more than 90% of cases.

"Terry Leigh has provided me with a number of mediation services since 2003. I have always been very pleased with the professional, efficient and thoughtful way in which he has handled this work."

Jules Fulcher, Head of Communications, Ealing Hospital NHS Trust


Workplace Mediation Service - Resolving Workplace Conflict

Workplace mediation is a process in which an independent and impartial mediator helps parties in the workplace to resolve the dispute or difficulties that have arisen between them.

Terry Leigh's workplace mediation service has proven an effective solution to conflicts arising from a wide variety of human resources concerns such as interpersonal difficulties, performance, injury (including stress), management of change and conditions of work.

"Terry has undertaken 3 complex mediation cases for me, all of which I thought were unresolvable. Terry mediated effectively and sensitively and all 3 mediations were resolved without recourse for further action. Terry is my first point of call when I believe mediation can resolve a difficult employee relations issue.”

Judith MacMillan HR Manager, SCAS

View Workplace Mediation Process and Key Benefits


Health Mediation Service - Resolving NHS Complaints

Health mediation is a process in which an independent and impartial mediator helps those involved to resolve the complaint or difficulties that have arisen regarding NHS services.

Terry Leigh's London based service has proven effective at resolving conflicts that have resulted from concerns such as treatment, referrals, interpersonal communication, and practitioner role and responsibilities.

"Whilst working as a Complaints Manager for NHS Westminster, Terry provided me with a very effective mediation service. I always appreciated the professional and sensitive way in which he delivered this work."

Justin Roper, Deputy Director Integrated Governance, Waltham Forest CCG

View Health Mediation Process and Key Benefits


Mediator Mentoring Service

Terry is often approached by mediators seeking information about his practice and experience.

To meet this demand he provides a mentoring service for mediators who wish to develop their skills.

Please contact him to discuss how this service works.

"Terry provided me with valuable mentoring as I moved into the world of workplace mediation. His insights and advice and indeed his successful track record have inspired me. "

Jane Churchill, Mediator


Accredited Publications - Terry Leigh PhD

1. Do you need an external mediator? People Management, 22nd August 2019 - To read article Click Here

2. Mediation could help improve the NHS complaints system, Public Finance, 14th August 2019 - To read article Click Here

3. NHS complaints and why mediation matters, HSJ, 15th March 2013 - To read article Click Here

4. Resolving workplace conflicts, The MJ, 19th May 2015 - To read article Click Here

5. Five steps to resolving patient complaints using external mediation, PULSE, 18th September 2013 - To read article Click Here

6. Six reasons why workplace mediation matters to the NHS, HSJ, 27th May 2015 - To read article Click Here

7. Written Evidence to House of Commons Health Committee, Complaints and Litigation, 6th Report of Session 2010-2012, Volume 3 -
To read article Click Here

Working With Clients

A large part of Terry's business is derived from established clients or personal recommendation.

During the course of his career Terry has provided substantial repeat work for many organisations, indicating his ability and the high level of client satisfaction which he achieves.

Terry enjoys excellent working relationships with his clients and is committed to providing
them with a service which is both professional and tailored to their individual

View Terry's Testimonials.


Because Terry does not have the overheads of a larger organisation, he can offer his expertise and a flexible individual service at very competitive rates.

A fixed fee of £850 + travel expenses would apply to a mediation case involving 2 parties.
No VAT applies to these fees.

This fee covers:
Initial separate meeting with party 1
Initial separate meeting with party 2
Face-to-face meeting
Phone support work with parties
Administration work

Free Initial Telephone Consultation With No Obligation

Contact Terry now by phone or email to discuss the next step. All calls and
messages are confidential.

Phone: 07942 345 994  Email: terry@mediatorlondon.co.uk

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